Promoting Inclusion in Tourism and Hospitality

Hospitality and tourism researchers gathered in Stavanger, Norway this past September for the 32nd Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research, a three-day conference exploring the latest advancements in tourism and hospitality research.

Read more about Promoting Inclusion in Tourism and Hospitality

Addressing Sexual Harrassment in the Hospitality Industry

Workshop hosted by The University of Strathclyde Business School in partnership with The University of Stravanger, Glasgow, 3 June 2024.

Hospitality Symposium Mental Health & Gender Challenges in Commercial Kitchens

Symposium hosted by The University of Galway, Ireland, 15 May 2024. Pandemic-exacerbated chef shortages have provoked renewed debate about how this profession can be made more attractive.

Launch of GHRA

Launch of Global Hospitality Research Alliance (GHRA), at The 41st International Labour Process Conference (ILPC), University of Strathclyde, Glasgow,12-14 April 2023.

Read the blog post about the GHRA launch

ILPC conference, Glasgow

Dr Deidre Curran, GHRA symposium (April 2023)

Visit the ILPC website

The Global Hospitality Research Alliance Launch Day

GHRA Hospitality Planning Day

Intellectual activism: the path to change in policy and practice through critical research

Intellectual activism: the path to change in policy and practice through critical research

The work of the Global Hospitality Research Alliance (GHRA), at The Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education Conference 2023 (CAUTHE) Conference, Western Australia,7-9 February 2023.

Redefining the Fair Work Agenda in Hospitality: Challenges and Opportunities

Redefining the Fair Work Agenda in Hospitality: Challenges and Opportunities

Deirdre Curran co-hosted a Fair Work in Hospitality Symposium at Technology University Dublin 16-17 May 2023. Her co-hosts were Babis Giosmpasoglou and Ralf Burbach and Mairtin Mac Con Iomaire. The audience was made up of hospitality educators and professionals, and including the development of agreed actions for change.

Workers Well-being in the New world of Work

Workers Well-being in the New world of Work

Keynote Address by Stroma Cole (University of Westminster) at the International Conference Modern Trends in Business, Hospitality, and Tourism Sustainable and Resilient Businesses in the Global Economy, Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania 16-18 of May 2024.  

Symposium hosted at the Future Economies and the Institute of Place Management at Manchester Metropolitan University in June 2023 -

Symposium hosted at the Future Economies and the Institute of Place Management at Manchester Metropolitan University in June 2023 -

Tom Baum delivered a Keynote at the symposium. His talk was entitled “Are tourism’s employment challenges inherently wicked? Embracing a social justice lens in the search for answers” and promoted intellectual activism via GHRA as one route to effect change. 

University of Surrey 2023 Symposium: (Un)fair and (in)decent work in tourism and hospitality, 6 July 2023

University of Surrey 2023 Symposium: (Un)fair and (in)decent work in tourism and hospitality, 6 July 2023

Anke Winchenbach facilitated a panel discussion which included GHRA members Deidre Curran, Adele Ladkin and Sumeetra Ramakrisnan.