Steering Committee

Prof Tom Baum

Prof Tom Baum

University of Strathclyde Business School


Professor of Tourism Employment, Tom has a long-standing interest in work and the workplace in frontline services and has published widely in this field. Tom is also Distinguished Visiting Professor with the University of Johannesburg, South Africa.

Dr Irma Booyens

Dr Irma Booyens

University of Strathclyde Business School


Senior Lecturer in tourism sustainability, work and employment, Irma has a background in policy research for development. Her research includes tourism and hospitality work and employment issues, and sustainability transitions in tourism.

Dr Deirdre Curran

Dr Deirdre Curran

University of Galway

Republic of Ireland

Deirdre has worked at the University of Galway for over 30 years. She is a Vice Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and is involved in researching the lived experience of hospitality workers in Ireland with a view to highlighting issues and promoting positive change.

Prof Tara Duncan

Prof Tara Duncan

Dalarna University


Tara's research focuses on intersections between mobilities, work and tourism/hospitality, with an emphasis on links to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. Her funded research includes looking at prevention of sexual harassment in hospitality workplaces across Sweden, Norway and Iceland.

Dr Tone Therese Linge

Dr Tone Therese Linge

University of Stravanger


Tone is Associate Professor at the Norwegian School of Hotel Management, where she leads Work Inclusiveness in Tourism and Hospitality. Her research includes workforce diversity, inclusion and diversity management, service leadership, hospitality employment, & communication.

Dr Olga Gjerald

Dr Olga Gjerald

University of Stavanger


An Associate Professor in Service Management, Associate of the UNESCO Chair on Leadership, Innovation and Anticipation and Co-Editor of Journal of Change Management, Olga researches intersections of service co-creation, leadership, & service experience design.

Dr Anastasios Hadjisolomou

Dr Anastasios Hadjisolomou

University of Strathclyde Business School


Tasos is a Senior Lecturer in Employment Studies. His research interests include service triangle, customer misbehaviour and abuse, sexual harassment and violence in the workplace, LGBT+ issues, employee voice and labour process theory. He co-led the formation of the GHRA.

Prof Adele Ladkin

Prof Adele Ladkin

Bournemouth University Business School


Adele is Professor of Tourism Employment and Deputy Director of the International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research (ICTHR). Her research includes labour mobility, migrant workers, employee wellbeing and the digital transformations of work. She also worked with the UNWTO as an expert advisor.

Prof Dennis Nickson

Prof Dennis Nickson

University of Strathclyde Business School


Dennis Nickson is a Professor and his primary research interests centre on employment issues in the retail and hospitality industries, focussing on entry-level work. A core research area of his is the concept of aesthetic labour, which he originated and developed with colleagues.

Dr Richard Robinson

Dr Richard Robinson

Northumbria University


Richard joined Newcastle Business School in 2024, after 19 years at The University of Queensland, and 18 years as a chef. Specialising in services employment, he investigates tourism, hospitality, leisure, transport, retail and welfare/social service sector contexts in the formal, gig and grey economies.